
目前显示的是 八月, 2022的博文

Principle of cell adhesion in cell culture flasks

Cell culture flasks   are mostly used in the culture of adherent cells, which must adhere to the surface of a support in order to grow. So what is the mutual attraction between adherent cells and the surface of the support, and what is the principle of adherence? FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks Cell attachment refers to the process by which anchorage-dependent cells attach and spread on a culture surface. Whether the cells can attach to the culture surface depends on the characteristics of the cells themselves, the contact probability between the cells and the culture surface, and the compatibility between the cells and the culture surface, which is related to the chemical and physical properties of the surface. nature related. The rate of cell attachment is also related to the chemical and physical properties of the culture surface, especially the charge density on the culture surface. Cryolysin and fibronectin in serum can bridge the culture surface and cells, which is beneficial to ac

What to do about vacuolization of cells in cell culture flasks

  Cells are very sensitive substances, and a sterile environment, suitable temperature, osmotic pressure, carbon dioxide, etc. are all necessary environments for their growth. In the process of culturing cells, vacuolation is a common problem. What is cell vacuolization? What should I do if the cells in the   cell culture flasks   are vacuolated? Cell vacuolation refers to the appearance of vacuoles (vesicles) of different sizes in the cytoplasm and nucleus of degenerated cells, and the cells are cellular or reticular. In severe degeneration, small vesicles fuse with each other into large vesicles, the nucleus is suspended in the center, or squeezed to one side, the cell body is significantly enlarged, the cytoplasm is blank, and the shape is like a balloon.      FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks This phenomenon is common, and some cells themselves have certain vacuoles (such as HepG2, Ishikawa and some drug-resistant strains, etc.). If only a few cells have very few vacuoles, it is likely

How to avoid cell vacuolization in cell culture flasks

  Cell vacuolation refers to the appearance of vacuoles (vesicles) of different sizes in the cytoplasm and nucleus of degenerated cells, and the cells are cellular or reticular. There are many reasons for this situation. We can reduce the vacuolation of cells in the   cell culture flask   as little as possible through daily operations. 1. Confirm the cell state: determine the cell state before culturing the cells, and try to select the cells with the highest generation number for cultivation, so as to avoid vacuoles due to aging of the cells during the cultivation process.        FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks 2. Determine the pH value of the culture medium: confirm the suitability of the pH of the culture medium and the pH required by the cells to avoid affecting cell growth due to inappropriate pH. 3. Control the trypsin digestion time: when subculture, select the appropriate concentration of trypsin and select the appropriate digestion time for digestion, and avoid too much air bubbl

Analysis of the causes of cell vacuolization in cell culture flasks

  There are thousands of cells in the world, and it takes a lot of effort to keep them healthy. In the process of cell culture, we will encounter various problems, among which the vacuolation of cells in the   cell culture flask   is a common one. In this case, the reasons can be analyzed from the following aspects. 1. Cell aging: This situation often occurs in the process of primary cell culture. Some cells are in a terminally differentiated state and will not divide again. After a long time, they will vacuole and die.           FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks 2. Trypsin digestion: Excessive digestion time will also affect the state of cells and cause vacuoles. In addition, poor control of the pipetting force during digestion of cells will generate air bubbles, resulting in the phenomenon of vacuolation. 3. PH value: If the pH value of the culture medium in the cell culture flask is too different from the normal pH value of the cells, it will easily lead to vacuolation. 4. Autophagy: st

How cells attach to the surface of cell culture flasks

  Adherent cells need to adhere to the surface of the support to grow and multiply.   Cell culture flasks   are commonly used consumables for adherent culture. As a cell culture flask, how do adherent cells attach to its surface? The cell culture flask is made of transparent polystyrene material, the surface of which is inherently hydrophobic, which is not conducive to the adherent growth of cells. In order to enhance the ability of cells to adsorb and bind proteins, it is necessary to modify the surface of the container and introduce hydrophilic groups to adapt to the growth of adherent cells.  FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks The adherence process of cells can be divided into adsorption, contact, adherence, and expansion. The extracellular matrix secreted by the cells themselves will promote the adsorption of cells and the surface of the container, and then contact and adhere to the wall, and finally expand on the surface to achieve the purpose of growth and proliferation. Therefore, th

Analysis of the reasons for the rapid drop of the pH of the culture medium in the cell culture flask

  Cell growth requires a suitable pH, most of which is 7.2-7.4, if it deviates from this range, it will have adverse effects on cells. Sometimes we will encounter the situation that the pH of the culture medium in the   cell culture flask   drops too fast. What is the reason for this? Usually when cells grow very fast, the pH usually drops very fast. At this time, it can be solved by timely passage, increasing the passage ratio or reducing the serum volume. In addition, if the lid of the cell culture flask is tightened too tightly, the buffer capacity of the NaHCO3 buffer system is insufficient, the salt concentration in the culture medium is incorrect, and bacterial, yeast or fungal contamination can also cause the pH value to drop quickly. The following methods operate:             FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks 1. Increase or decrease the CO2 concentration in the incubator according to the NaHCO3 concentration in the culture medium. The NaHCO3 concentration of 2.0g/L to 3.7g/L corres

Cell factory can reduce the cost of enterprise quality control

  The   cell factory   is a multi-layered cell culture vessel, which is made of polystyrene (PS) raw materials through an injection molding process, and is mainly used to culture adherent cells. The culture container has a novel structure, which can save space and at the same time reduce the quality control cost of the enterprise. Common application fields of cell factories include vaccine production, monoclonal antibody and pharmaceutical industry, etc. The production process of products in these fields is complex, especially in the cell culture stage, which involves procedures such as liquid exchange-culturing, rehydration-culturing, etc. It is very easy to introduce into various This kind of pollution will lead to the reduction of production efficiency or even the stagnation of production, which will bring certain economic losses to the relevant enterprises.  FuDau 10 Layers Cell Factory This multi-layered cell culture container has common specifications including 1-layer, 2-layer,

Analysis of the Causes of Precipitation in Cell Culture Flasks

Cultivating cells is like raising children. Care must be taken to care for them. A little carelessness may affect the growth of cells. Precipitation of the culture medium in the   cell culture flask   is a common problem. What is the reason for this and how can we deal with it?            FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks In fact, there are two main reasons for the precipitation of the solution in the cell culture flask. On the one hand, the cells themselves are contaminated, and on the other hand, the culture medium contains metals, proteins and other medium components. From the perspective of cell contamination, common cell contaminations include bacterial and fungal contamination, mycoplasma contamination, eukaryotic cell contamination, etc. After contamination, the culture solution will turn yellow and precipitate. At this time, it is recommended to treat the culture immediately. Re-establish the culture. Another reason is the composition of the medium itself. If after investigation, i

Collagenase, an enzyme commonly used to digest cells in cell culture flasks

  Cell culture flasks   are used more in the culture of adherent cells. When the cell density reaches a certain level, we need to carry out the cell passaging operation. Since the adherent cells are attached to the bottom of the bottle to grow, digestive enzymes are needed at this time, and collagenase is a commonly used one.          FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks The chemical name of collagenase is collagenase (Collagenase), which can specifically hydrolyze the three-dimensional helical structure of natural collagen under physiological pH and temperature conditions without damaging other proteins and tissues. The chemical nature of collagenase is a protein, so it is very sensitive to temperature, pH and various factors that lead to protein denaturation, and is very susceptible to external conditions to change its own conformation and properties. Collagenase is extracted from Clostridium histolyticum and mainly hydrolyzes collagen in connective tissue. When the tissue to be digested is

Can the type of medium in the cell culture flask be changed?

  Cell culture technology has been widely used in basic research, drug research and development, disease treatment, protein production and other fields. When culturing cells,   cell culture flasks   are a commonly used consumable. They are mainly used for the culture of adherent cells without TC treatment. The bottles can also be used for suspension cell culture. Can the type of medium in the cell culture flask be changed when culturing cells?                    FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks The medium contains carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, inorganic salts (including trace elements), vitamins and other substances to provide the nutrients needed for cell growth. Different types of cells also have different requirements for the composition of the medium. If you want to change the medium in the cell culture flask, you must first determine whether the medium you are using is suitable for your cell growth. During the cell culture process, it is not recommended to change the medium

These factors affect cell growth in cell culture flasks

  The   cell culture flask   is a square, wide-necked cell culture container, which is a commonly used consumable for adherent cell culture. The growth of cells is affected by a variety of factors, the most common of which are the following four: 1. The state of the cell itself: the state of the cell itself is an important factor affecting the growth of the cell. If the number of passages is too many, it is easy to age the cells and affect the later proliferation. When using trypsin for cell digestion in the later stage, the time should be well controlled. If the time is too short or too long, it will affect the later growth of cells. FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks 2. Bacterial contamination: Cell growth requires a sterile environment. If the cells in the cell culture flask are contaminated by mycoplasma or mold, the cells will grow slowly or even die. Therefore, aseptic operations should be strictly followed when culturing cells. 3. Medium or serum: These two solutions provide cells wi

How to Prevent Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell Culture Flasks

  Mycoplasma contamination of cells is a very common problem. Mycoplasma contamination is not easy to find. After cells are contaminated by mycoplasma, a symbiotic system will be formed, resulting in the continuous expansion of the contamination, which in turn affects the growth of cells. So, how can we prevent mycoplasma contamination in   cell culture flasks ? FuDau T25 Cell Culture Flasks When cells are contaminated by mycoplasma, the expression of DNA, RNA and protein in cells changes, but the growth rate of cells generally does not have a significant impact. With the further expansion of pollution, the metabolic function of cells will be reduced, which will affect cell culture. Results of the experiment. The causes of mycoplasma contamination in cells in cell culture flasks may be cross-contamination between cells, operator's mouth and skin, working environment or experimental equipment contamination, culture medium contamination, etc. Mycoplasma contamination is difficult to

How to judge the state of cells in the cell culture flask

  The   cell culture flask   is a square cell culture vessel generally used for the culture of adherent cells. When culturing cells, we need to grasp the state of cells to determine the effect of cell culture. Cell viability is an important indicator. When culturing cells in cell culture flasks, there are always some cells in the population that die for various reasons, and the percentage of live cells in the total cells is called cell viability. Usually we will use the following methods to detect: 1. The dyeing exclusion method is also a more commonly used method. (1) Trypan blue method: dead cells are stained blue, live cells are not stained; (2) Nigrosine method: dead cells are stained black, live cells are not stained; (3) Eosin Y method: Under the light microscope, the nucleus is blue-black and the cytoplasm is light red. Apoptotic cells are scattered singly in tissues, with dense and condensed nuclear chromatin, nuclear pyknosis, nuclear fragmentation, and the formation of apopto