Can the type of medium in the cell culture flask be changed?

 Cell culture technology has been widely used in basic research, drug research and development, disease treatment, protein production and other fields. When culturing cells, cell culture flasks are a commonly used consumable. They are mainly used for the culture of adherent cells without TC treatment. The bottles can also be used for suspension cell culture. Can the type of medium in the cell culture flask be changed when culturing cells?

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The medium contains carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, inorganic salts (including trace elements), vitamins and other substances to provide the nutrients needed for cell growth. Different types of cells also have different requirements for the composition of the medium. If you want to change the medium in the cell culture flask, you must first determine whether the medium you are using is suitable for your cell growth.

During the cell culture process, it is not recommended to change the medium when the cell proliferation and morphology are normal. The cells have various adaptive mediums. After changing the culture conditions, the cells may not be able to adapt quickly, resulting in cell death. If you must change, try switching sequentially, allowing cells to gradually adapt to the new medium, from 1:1 to 1:2 to 1:4 to 1:16, until the switch is complete. Be careful not to face the side with the growing cells when switching the medium, so as not to wash out the cells and affect their growth.

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The above is an explanation on whether the medium in the cell culture flask can be replaced. During the operation, we must strictly abide by the aseptic operation specifications to avoid contamination of the cells.



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