
目前显示的是 六月, 2022的博文

How to use media bottle for inactivation of serum

  As a nutrient required for cell growth, the role of serum in cell culture is self-evident, and the quality and sterility of serum are also the keys to determining the success of the experiment. So, how to inactivate serum? This requires the use of   media bottles . Serum inactivation steps are as follows: 1. Select a bottle that is the same as the media bottle as the control bottle, pour the same volume of distilled water as the serum into the control bottle, and measure the temperature. 2. Temperature adjustment. Insert two mercury thermometers into the bottle of the control group and place them in the water bath. When the thermometer shows 56 degrees, adjust the temperature of the calibration water bath to 56 degrees. 3. Put the media bottle and the control bottle together in a water bath, adjust the temperature to 56 degrees, take a water bath for half an hour, divide the bottle after inactivation, do a sterile test, and store it at -70--20 degrees. 4. It is necessary to observe t

What characteristics do the culture media bottles need to meet?

  The media is the basic substance that provides cell nutrition and promotes cell proliferation, and is also the living environment for cell growth and reproduction. There are many types of medium, the raw materials for preparation are different, and the requirements for use are different. What characteristics should the   media bottles   meet to ensure that the medium is well preserved? The general medium is easily contaminated or decomposed by bacteria after being heated and absorbing moisture. Therefore, the general medium must be kept in a cool and moisture-proof place. For some media (such as tissue culture medium) that need to be strictly sterilized, they must be stored in a refrigerator at 3-6 °C for a long time. To ensure good storage of the medium, the media bottle should meet the following characteristics: 1. Sterility: The medium bottle must be aseptically treated to ensure that the medium is not contaminated. The general sterilization method will choose electron beam steril

Media bottles made of plastic will become the trend

Media bottle   is a special package for storing serum, and its production materials include glass and plastic. With the rapid development of science and technology, various excellent properties of polymer materials have been continuously explored, and plastic media bottles have gradually replaced glass materials, which has become the trend of future development. Although glass material has high transparency, it is heavy and fragile, which is not conducive to transportation. Glass products have poor temperature resistance and are prone to burst due to temperature changes, which is dangerous, while plastic materials can completely avoid the above shortcomings. Common plastic media bottles are generally made of polyester (PET) material. This raw material also has high transparency, good heat aging resistance, and still has certain toughness at -30 °C, while serum needs to be at -5 °C to -20 °C. environmental storage, PET material perfectly caters to this characteristic. In addition, the m

Analysis of common problems in the production process of media bottles

The   media bottle   plays an important role in preserving the good storage state of the serum and preventing it from being polluted by the external environment. In the production process, various quality problems such as white bottom and low transparency of the bottle are often encountered. What are the reasons for these problems? Media bottles are generally made of PET/PETG raw materials with high transparency through injection stretch blowing process. Common problems in the production process are as follows: 1. Thick on the top and thin on the bottom: delay the pre-blowing time, or reduce the pre-blowing pressure and reduce the air flow. 2. Thick at the bottom and thin at the top: the opposite of the above. 3. There are wrinkles under the bottle neck: the pre-blowing is too late or the pre-blowing pressure is too low, or the billet is not well cooled here. 4. White bottom: the preform is too cold; it is too stretched; the pre-blowing is too early or the pre-blowing pressure is too h

Production process of square culture media bottles

  The   square culture media bottle   is a special container for holding the culture medium. It is generally made of transparent PET/PETG material through the injection, stretch and blow process. The quality of the bottle is very important for the storage of the culture medium. What is the production process of this container? In the production process of square culture media bottles, the whole blowing process can be divided into four stages: stretching, pre-blowing, blowing and cooling. When the temperature adjustment process is completed, the mold is closed, and the stretching rod moves downward to stretch the preform down along the axis direction. The lowering speed of the stretching rod is controlled by the stretching cam. The material distribution of the bottle along the axis direction is formed at this moment. The stretching speed is one of the key parameters affecting the material distribution in the axis direction. If it is too fast, the material at the bottom of the bottle is

What are the characteristics of the culture media bottles

  The medium is an essential nutrient for cell culture and needs to be stored in the special   media bottles . The quality of the medium is related to whether the cells can grow well. So what are the characteristics of the culture media bottles? According to the different synthesis methods, culture medium can be divided into three categories: natural medium, synthetic medium and semi-synthetic medium: Natural culture medium: Natural culture medium refers to the use of raw materials of various animals, plants or microorganisms, and its composition is difficult to know exactly. The main raw materials used for this medium are: beef extract, wort, peptone, yeast extract, corn flour, bran, various cake flours, potatoes, milk, serum, etc. This medium is nutrient-rich, microorganisms grow vigorously, has a wide range of sources and is easy to prepare, so it is commonly used, especially for the preparation of medium commonly used in laboratories. Its stability is often affected by factors such

Importance of Media Bottles for Serum Quality

  Serum refers to the colloidal liquid from plasma after removing fibrinogen, including fetal bovine serum, calf serum, adult bovine serum, and horse serum. Serum is generally stored in a dedicated  media  bottle  and placed in a corresponding storage environment according to the type. Factors affecting serum quality include the following: 1. Endotoxin The domestic standard is not higher than 5EU/ml. Endotoxin is a component of the cell wall after the bacteria are broken, so the level of endotoxin content can show the aseptic operation in a series of processes from blood collection to production. If the endotoxin content is extremely high, it indicates that the serum has been contaminated. 2. Total protein content The general range of fetal bovine serum is 30-40mg/ml. If the value is too high, it means that the age of the ox was too old, not fetal bovine, and the value is too low, indicating that the serum may be mixed with water. 3. Hemoglobin The standard is not higher than 20mg/dl,

Storage of media and requirements for media bottles

  The medium refers to the nutrient environment that artificially simulates the growth of cells in the body, and supplies the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, plants or animals (or tissues), and is a nutrient matrix prepared by combining different nutrients. How should the medium be stored and what are the requirements for the  media  bottles ? The storage of the medium should follow the following principles: 1. Commercial medium should be stored according to the requirements in the instruction manual. The label of the medium should be marked with the batch number, production date, expiration date and the relevant characteristics of the medium. The storage and transport conditions employed should minimize the loss of moisture from the medium and provide mechanical protection. 2. The prepared medium should be stored at 2~25℃ in a dark environment. If it is stored in a non-airtight container, it is generally used within three weeks; if it is stored in a closed container, it is

Application of media bottle in cell culture medium

  Media bottle  is a container for storing serum, which is generally made of PET  or PETG  material by injection stretch blowing process. The medium is the nutrient required for cell growth. According to its source, it is divided into synthetic medium and natural medium, both of which can be stored in media bottles. Natural medium: The most commonly used natural medium is serum, basically calf serum. Serum contains a variety of cell growth factors, adhesion-promoting factors and their multi-active substances. When used in combination with synthetic medium, cells can proliferate and grow smoothly. Serum needs to be stored in special media bottles at -5°C to -20°C. Synthetic medium: Synthetic medium is strictly formulated according to the type and quantity of substances required by cells. There are many types and known components, which facilitates the control of experimental conditions. Contains carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, inorganic salts, vitamins, trace elements and cell growt

Introduction to the characteristics of the media bottle

Serum refers to the colloidal liquid after removing fibrinogen from plasma. Human and animal serum is commonly used for various serological tests to help diagnose diseases. Serum is generally stored in dedicated serum bottles at -5°C to -20°C. Serum has such strict storage temperature requirements, so what are the characteristics of the   media bottle   as its storage container? 1. The material of the media bottle is mostly made of transparent polyester (PET). This material is non-toxic and tasteless, with high transparency, good low temperature resistance, good impact resistance, and can resist the corrosion of most acid and alkali solvents, fully satisfying Serum cryopreservation requirements. 2. The shape of the media bottle is different from the ordinary liquid plastic bottle, but is designed into a square shape. This design is ergonomic and easy to grasp and store the serum. 3. After electron beam sterilization, there is no DNase, no RNase and no heat source. Serum is the basic nu

Sterilization methods and characteristics of media bottles

As a kind of cell culture consumables,   media bottles   have high requirements for their own sterility. Generally, they have been aseptically treated. The sterilization method used is electron beam sterilization. So what are the advantages of this sterilization method? Electron beam irradiation is a technique commonly used for the sterilization of pharmaceutical packaging products and medical devices. It works by directing a continuous flow of electrons through the item being sterilized. It loses its activity and the irradiated article becomes sterile. The e-beam sterilization method employed in media bottles has many advantages, being convenient, gentle, effective, and continuously performed on the final packaged product (such as those provided in nests used in flexible fillers). It operates at a much lower temperature than steam sterilization and is suitable for products with hard-to-reach areas (eg, cartridges with lids). Compared to gamma radiation, it has a much lower risk of deg

The function of serum and the requirements for the media bottle

Serum has an irreplaceable role in cell growth and proliferation in cell culture, so how does serum play a role in cell culture, and what are the requirements for   media bottle   packaging? Function of Serum: 1. The main substances in serum are protein, albumin, etc., which can buffer the pH of the cell culture medium and maintain the osmotic pressure; 2. Binding proteins such as transferrin and thyroxine-binding protein can recognize vitamins, lipids, metals and other hormones, etc., and can combine with toxic metals and pyrogens to detoxify; 3. Fibronectin, fetuin and adhesion factors in fetal bovine serum can promote cell adhesion and spreading; 4. Polypeptides such as platelet growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, epidermal growth factor, nerve cell growth factor, insulin, insulin-like growth factor, somatotropin, hydrocortisone, etc. can support cell division and proliferation and maintain cells logarithmic growth; 5. Protease inhibitors such as macroglobulin can inhibit prote

Application of Media Bottles in the Field of Cell Culture

  The development of cell culture technology has been very mature so far. Cell growth needs to meet various requirements such as environment, temperature, osmotic pressure, pH value, etc. In addition to providing basic nutrients in various synthetic media, it is also necessary to adapt to different cells and different culture purposes. Add serum and other substances to promote cell growth. Therefore,   media bottles   have a wide range of applications in the field of cell culture. Serum is a very complex mixture formed by removing fibrinogen from plasma, mainly including fetal bovine serum, calf serum, adult bovine serum, horse serum, goat serum, chicken serum, rabbit serum, etc., among which fetal bovine serum is used. is most commonly used. Serum provides important substances such as extracellular matrix, growth factors and transferrin. The proportion of serum added should be determined according to different cells and different research purposes. 10%~20% serum can maintain the rapid

Material characteristics of media bottles

  Serum refers to the pale yellow transparent liquid separated from plasma after fibrinogen and some coagulation factors are removed from plasma after blood coagulation, or plasma from which fibrinogen has been removed.   Media bottles   for storing serum are generally made of polyester (PET) material. What are the characteristics of this material? The storage temperature of serum is generally -5 °C to -20 °C, and its main functions are to provide basic nutrients, hormones and various growth factors, binding proteins, contact-promoting and growth factors to protect cells from mechanical damage, Cells in culture provide some protection. The media bottle made of PET has the following characteristics: 1. High transparency and good gloss; 2. Good mechanical properties, the impact strength is 3-5 times that of other films, and the folding resistance is good; 3. Oil resistance, fat resistance, dilute acid, dilute alkali, and most solvents; 4. Good heat aging resistance, the embrittlement tem

Importance of a sterile environment for cells in a cell factory

  Cell factories   are a type of consumables that are widely used in large-scale cell culture. Cells are very fragile organisms. The in vitro culture of cells requires a specific environment, of which sterility is the basic requirement. In vivo, the detoxification system and immune system can resist the invasion of microorganisms or other harmful substances, but in the process of in vitro culture, cells lack the protection of the body's immune system and lose the ability to defend against microorganisms and detoxify harmful substances. To ensure that cells can grow and reproduce in vitro, it is necessary to ensure a sterile work area, good personal hygiene, sterile reagents and media, and aseptic handling. Common microbial contaminations in cell factory culture include mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi. Mycoplasma has no lethal toxicity, can coexist with cells for a long time, and has potential effects on cells, but it is small in size and difficult to identify. It can be detected by