
目前显示的是 十一月, 2022的博文

Cause Analysis of Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell Factory

  Mycoplasma contamination of cells is a very troublesome problem when culturing cells, especially in the use of large-scale culture vessels such as   cell factory . Once mycoplasma contamination occurs, the loss will be even greater. So, what is the cause of mycoplasma contamination? Mycoplasma is a prokaryotic organism with a size of only 0.2-0.3 um, no cell wall, and can pass through a general filter membrane (0.22-0.45 um). During cell culture, the incidence of mycoplasma infection reaches 63%, so during cell culture Contamination by mycoplasma is a worldwide problem. When cells (especially passage cells) are contaminated by mycoplasma, the expression of DNA, RNA and protein in the cells will change, but the growth rate of cells generally does not have a significant impact, so the contamination of cells by mycoplasma is generally difficult to detect. In most cases, the cytopathic changes are slight or insignificant, and subtle changes can also be alleviated by subculture and medium

Application of Cell Factory in Vero Cells

Today, I will tell you about the application of   cell factories   on Vero cells. Vero cells are derived from African green monkey kidney epithelial cells and are a vaccine production cell line approved by the World Health Organization and my country's biological product regulations. When the cell factory is cultivating Vero cells, our operation method can be expanded from the square flask to the cell factory according to the cell recovery. A 5-layer cell factory is inoculated with about 300x106cells (according to 9.5x104cells/c ㎡ ), adding 200-300ml/ layer, cultured for 3 days, and passaged after the cells grew into a dense monolayer.  FuDau 10 Layers Cell Factory When we pass on the cell factory, we should slowly discard the culture medium in the cell factory, but do not add PBS for rinsing. Add approximately 25 ml/layer of trypsin (Gibco TrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X)) solution directly. After fully infiltrating the cells for 1-2 min, the trypsin was discarded, and the cell factory

What requirements should the raw materials of cell culture flasks meet?

  When culturing cells,   cell culture flasks   are an economical and practical culture tool. So what material is it made of? Cell culture flasks generally use highly transparent polystyrene as raw materials. In order to ensure the safety of raw materials, they must meet USP Class VI medical grade standards. The USP class of medical materials is grade 6, ranging from USP class I-USP class VI, with USP class VI being the highest grade. According to USP-NF general rules, plastics subjected to in vivo biological response tests will be classified into designated medical plastic grades. The purpose of the test is to determine the biocompatibility of plastic products and whether they are suitable for medical device implants and other systems.  FuDau T225 Cell Culture Flasks A plastic that is rated as U.S. Medical Plastics Class VI means that comprehensive and rigorous testing has been established. U.S. medical grade VI is now the gold standard for various medical-grade raw materials, and a v

The basic conditions for culturing cells in cell culture flasks - the right temperature

  With the continuous progress of biotechnology, cell culture technology has also been widely used in genetics, immunology, oncology, virology, molecular biology and other fields. The   cell culture flask   is a commonly used container for adherent culture. The growth of cells requires specific conditions, and the appropriate temperature is the basis. Common specifications of cell culture flasks include T25cm2, T75cm2, T175cm2, T225cm2, small-sized bottles are used for smaller-scale cell culture, and larger-sized bottles can be used for slightly larger-scale cell culture experiments. Since adherent cells need to be attached to the surface of the support to grow, and the material of the bottle itself is hydrophobic, it is suitable for the growth of adherent cells after TC treatment.  FuDau T75 Cell Culture Flasks Generally, the suitable temperature for mammalian and avian cells to be cultured in vitro is 37-38°C. Unsuitable ambient temperature will affect the growth of cells. The tolera

How to reduce the risk of foreign contamination when using cell factories

  As a large-scale culture vessel,   cell factories   play an important role in the production of products such as human vaccines, animal vaccines, and cell and gene therapy. In the small test stage of the product, a single cell factory is generally the main product, and a larger-scale cultivation area is required to enter the pilot test and batch production stage. At this time, how to quickly scale up on the basis of ensuring safe, consistent, and pollution-free operations has become a key consideration. The cell factory is designed with a multi-layer structure, and scale-up can be done by simply increasing its number. When its number increases, it means that the number of openings increases, not only the operation time will be prolonged, but the risk of contamination will also increase. At this time, we can use a simple way to connect individual factories in series to form a closed culture system. The accessories that need to be used include large-mouth gas conversion kits, large-mou

Precautions when culturing Vero cells using Cell Factory

  There are four things to keep in mind when using   cell factories   to grow Vero cells: (1) Ensure that the source of cells is reliable, and detect the presence or absence of mycoplasma and foreign virus contamination. (2) The number of consecutive cell passages is limited, and low-passage cells should be used for experiments. FuDau 5 Layers Cell Factory (3) Use a new cell factory for each passage. And in the cell factory culture process abnormal handling (1) The seed cells should be passaged as separately as possible during the culture process. (2) In case of turbidity of the culture medium during cell culture, please select a room where cell experiments will not be performed on that day for sampling and microscopic examination. Microorganisms with obvious swimming under the microscope are likely to be bacterial contamination. If it is not particularly obvious, some culture fluids can be taken Incubate in TSA plate for 24-72h and observe.         FuDau 10 Layers Cell Factory (3) If

How to cascade multiple cell factories

In the large-scale culture of cells, in order to facilitate the operation, multiple  cell factories  are usually connected in series, which saves the operation of multiple openings and reduces the risk of contamination. So, how do we cascade multiple factories? The cell factory is a culture vessel with a multi-layer structure. Enlarging the culture scale can be achieved by increasing the number of layers. However, when the number of cells increases, we will encounter a problem - repeated repeated operations. As the number of cap openings increases, not only does the operation time increase, but so does the risk of cell contamination. At this time, the developed culture components can be combined into a closed system by connecting multiple containers in series. The operation method is as follows:                 FuDau 10 Layers Cell Factory 1. Prepare custom transfer caps, culture medium, cell factory, and connecting tubing. 2. Connect the liquid transfer cap to the medium bottle, the c

Introduction of two different surfaces of cell culture flasks

  When culturing cells, we often use   cell culture flasks , whose specifications range from 75cm2 to 225cm2, to meet the needs of cell culture of different scales. Depending on how the cells are cultured, this vessel has two different surfaces: TC-treated and non-TC-treated. Cells are divided into adherent cells and suspension cells according to the different culture methods. The growth of adherent cells must have a support surface that can be attached, and cells can grow on this surface by relying on the attachment factors secreted by themselves or provided in the medium. , breeding. Suspension cells do not require an attachable support and grow in suspension in the medium, such as lymphocytes.   FuDau T75 Cell Culture Flasks The cell culture flask is made of polystyrene raw material. This material itself is hydrophobic, which is not conducive to the better adherence of cells. Therefore, it needs to be treated with TC on the surface to change its performance, so that the cells can be

Application of Cell Culture Flask in Tumor Cell Culture

  Cell culture flask   is a common cell culture consumable, which can be used for both adherent cell culture and suspension cell culture. Among its many applications, tumor cells are a relatively large category. Tumor cells occupy a central position in tissue culture. First, cancer cells are relatively easy to culture cells. Among the currently established cell lines, there are many cancer cell lines. In addition, tumors are the most threatening diseases to human beings. Tumor cell culture is an extremely important means to study the mechanism of carcinogenesis, detection of anticancer drugs, and molecular biology of cancer, and will play an immeasurable role in elucidating and solving cancer. Tumor cell culture through cell culture flasks is an important way for scientific research institutions and pharmaceutical companies to conduct drug research and disease treatment. The key to its success lies in several aspects, such as material sampling, exclusion of fibroblasts, selection of su

The importance of shaker speed to cells in cell shaker flasks

  Erlenmeyer shake flask   is a kind of cell consumable that is often used in suspension cell culture. Unlike adherent cells, suspension cells grow in suspension in culture medium. In addition to the gas environment, pH, osmotic pressure and other conditions, the speed of the shaker also affects the growth of cells. Cell culture requires a suitable growth environment and growth temperature, which requires the selection of a suitable shaker for assistance. The constant temperature shaker is a special equipment used in conjunction with the cell shaker. When culturing cells, the shaker needs to be continuously rotated to provide gas conditions for the cells, and at the same time, it can also avoid cell death caused by cell deposition.           FuDau 125ml Erlenmeyer Shake Flasks  The specifications of erlenmeyer shake flasks include 125ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 3L, 5L, etc. The volume of medium added to the flasks of different specifications is also different, and the oxygen demand of di

Two advantages of cell factory cultured cells

  Cell factory   play an important role in vaccine production, monoclonal antibodies and the pharmaceutical industry, and are mostly used for the culture of adherent cells. Compared with other cell culture vessels, it has the following advantages: Small footprint: The cell factory adopts a multi-layer structure design, also known as a multi-layer cell incubator. Common specifications include 1 layer, 2 layers, 5 layers, 10 layers, 40 layers, etc. To expand the culture scale, you only need to increase the number of layers of the product That is, it will not take up too much space, which can save a lot of plant space for enterprises, and reduce the cost of quality control and downstream purification of their enterprises. Reduce pollution: This container is equipped with a full set of accessories, including liquid transfer cover, small port conversion cover, CPC adapter, tee pipeline, silicone tube/hot melt tube, ECS quick connector, etc. Through the mutual cooperation of different pipeli

What are the characteristics of the material of PETG media bottle

  PETG media bottle   is a special package for storing various media, reagents, serum and other solutions, and it is also a product that researchers have more contact with. The wide range of applications is mainly due to the superior properties of its materials. PETG is a transparent plastic belonging to the non-crystalline copolyester. Serum needs to be stored in a low temperature environment. The use range of this material is -80°C to 60°C, which makes the PETG media bottle fully meet the storage needs of serum. In addition, it has the following features: 1. High transparency, light transmittance up to 90%, can achieve the transparency of plexiglass;                     FuDau 60ml PETG/PET Square Media Bottles 2. It has stronger stiffness and hardness, excellent scratch resistance, impact resistance and toughness, close to or even higher than polycarbonate (PC), suitable for injection molding, extrusion molding and extrusion blowing; 3. PETG is also better than PET in terms of chemic

How to deal with various contaminations in cell culture flasks

  Cell culture flasks   are a kind of cell consumables that are often used in the process of cell culture. When culturing cells, various contaminations often cause various troubles to the experiment and hinder the experimental process. So how to deal with these pollution? Cell contamination is generally caused by improper aseptic technique, incomplete sterilization of vessel reagents, and passage of hands or instruments over the open vessel mouth. Once the cells are contaminated, most of them are difficult to recover. The following are the common types and treatment methods of cell contamination: 1. Bacterial contamination: Bacteria are black and fine sand-like under an ordinary inverted microscope. Depending on the infected bacteria, they may have different shapes. The culture medium will generally become cloudy and yellow, which has a significant impact on cell growth. Most of the cells die within 24 hours. Corresponding antibiotic treatment, such as tetracycline, gentamicin, etc., c