How to reduce the risk of foreign contamination when using cell factories

 As a large-scale culture vessel, cell factories play an important role in the production of products such as human vaccines, animal vaccines, and cell and gene therapy.

In the small test stage of the product, a single cell factory is generally the main product, and a larger-scale cultivation area is required to enter the pilot test and batch production stage. At this time, how to quickly scale up on the basis of ensuring safe, consistent, and pollution-free operations has become a key consideration.

The cell factory is designed with a multi-layer structure, and scale-up can be done by simply increasing its number. When its number increases, it means that the number of openings increases, not only the operation time will be prolonged, but the risk of contamination will also increase. At this time, we can use a simple way to connect individual factories in series to form a closed culture system. The accessories that need to be used include large-mouth gas conversion kits, large-mouth tee kits, large-mouth liquid transfer kits, etc.

Through the series connection, the open operation is changed into a closed operation, which greatly reduces the risk of external pollution. Due to the difference in production processes, racks, automation equipment, etc. may be used when using cell factories for large-scale culture. No matter what your layout is, we can customize the piping system according to your specific needs to reduce Contamination risk, improve production efficiency.



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