
目前显示的是 十月, 2021的博文

How to avoid contamination when using cell culture flasks

  Cell culture is a commonly used scientific research method in the field of life sciences. The   cell culture flasks   are a consumable suitable for medium-scale cell tissue culture in the laboratory. Cell culture needs to be carried out in a sterile environment. How can we avoid all kinds of pollution during cell culture? First of all, the pollution sources of cell culture mainly come from three aspects. On the one hand, chemical pollution refers to some chemical substances that are toxic or irritating to cells. These pollutions generally come from unwashed utensils and impure chemical reagents. And distilled water of poor quality. Among them, bacterial endotoxin has a greater impact on cell growth and experimental results. It is the main source of clinical heat. The production of vaccines and cytokines produced by cell culture in clinical medicines should be avoided in the production process of drugs. Pollution of toxins. To reduce chemical pollution, high-quality distilled water sh

The characteristics of the cell culture flasks vent caps

  The rapid development in the field of life sciences has made cell culture technology more widely used.   Cell culture flasks   are a consumable suitable for medium-scale cell and tissue culture in laboratories. The caps of this consumable material are divided into two types: vent caps and sealed caps. What are the characteristics of the vent caps? The cell culture flasks with a vent cap is mainly used in an environment with carbon dioxide. The vent cap is composed of a breathable membrane and a bottle cap. Breathable membrane is a new type of polymer waterproof material. In terms of production process, the technical requirements of waterproof and breathable membranes are much higher than those of general waterproof materials; from the point of view of quality, waterproof and breathable membranes are also not available in other waterproof materials. High temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, non-adhesion, high lubrication and other characteristics.

Material characteristics of cell culture flasks

  Cell culture flasks   are commonly used consumables in small-scale cell culture. In order to facilitate the observation of cell growth conditions, polystyrene materials with higher transparency are generally selected for this consumable. So, what are the characteristics of this material? Polystyrene refers to a polymer synthesized from styrene monomer through radical addition polymerization. It is a colorless and transparent thermoplastic with the following characteristics: 1. Mechanical properties Polystyrene molecules and their aggregated structure determine that they are rigid and brittle materials, which exhibit brittle fracture under stress. 2. Thermal performance The embrittlement temperature is about -30°C, the glass transition temperature is 80-105°C, the melting temperature is 140-180°C, and the decomposition temperature is above 300°C. The thermal conductivity is low, ranging from 0.04 to 0.15W/(m·K), and it is hardly changed by temperature, so it has good thermal insulatio

Two types of cell culture flasks

The  cell culture  flasks  is made of medical grade polystyrene material with high transparency. According to different surface treatment processes, it is divided into two types: hydrophilic and hydrophobic. Hydrophilic cell culture flask : used for the cultivation of adherent cells. The growth of such cells must have a support surface that can be attached, and the cells can grow and reproduce on this surface by relying on attachment factors secreted by themselves or provided in the culture medium. The surface of the bottle has undergone a special modification treatment to introduce hydrophilic groups. The purpose of this is to increase the adhesion performance of the bottle surface, which is more suitable for cell growth. Hydrophobic cell culture flask : used for the cultivation of suspension cells. The growth of these cells does not depend on the surface of the support and grows in suspension in the culture medium. Such cells are called suspension cells. Such as lymphocytes. Polystyr

Features of cell culture flask

  The   cell culture flasks   is a commonly used consumable in the cell culture process, which is mainly suitable for the culture of medium-scale cells and tissues in the laboratory. Using polystyrene raw materials, common specifications include 25cm2, 75cm2, 175cm2 and 225cm2, etc. According to the surface treatment process, it is divided into hydrophilic (suitable for adherent cell culture) and hydrophobic (suitable for suspension cell culture). Cell growth requires a specific environment, such as sterility, osmotic pressure, temperature, pH, etc. In order to adapt to cell growth, cell culture square flasks have the following characteristics: 1. From injection molding to assembly molding, the cell culture bottles are produced in a C-level purification workshop. The production is completed by automated equipment in accordance with cGMP standards. There is no direct contact with personnel, and the product has good consistency, no pyrogens, and no animal-derived ingredients. 2. The vacu

Application range of cell factory

  The   cell factory   is a cell culture device, which is composed of one or more layers according to the size of the culture area, which can realize the large-scale culture of cells, and is suitable for many fields such as vaccine, pharmaceutical industry or monomer clone antibody. The cell factory can satisfy adherent cell culture, and it is also suitable for static culture of suspension cells. Adherent culture means that the cells must be attached to the wall of the culture (bottle) vessel when they are cultured. Once the cells are attached, they will spread quickly, then begin mitosis, and quickly enter the logarithmic growth phase. Generally a few days later, the culture surface is covered and a dense cell monolayer is formed, such as Vero cells, HEK 293 cells, CAR-T cells, MRC5, CEF cells, porcine alveolar macrophages, myeloma cells, DF-1 cells, ST cells, PK15 cells, Marc145 cells, etc. all adopt adherent culture methods. Suspension culture refers to a tissue culture system that

How to make cell culture flasks free of DNA and RNase

Cell culture is a kind of aseptic operation technology, which requires that the working environment and conditions must be free from microbial contamination and not affected by other harmful factors.  Cell culture flasks  are commonly used consumables in cell experiments. No DNA and RNase are the basic requirements for consumables. So how can cell culture flasks be DNA- and RNase-free? The cell culture room and the design principle are to prevent microbial contamination and harmful factors, and require a clean working environment, fresh air, dryness and no smoke. The production workshops for cell culture flasks and other consumables are all 100,000-level GMP workshops, and the production workshops for human drugs are also 100,000-level. Therefore, products produced under such conditions are generally free of DNA and RNA enzymes. And after the finished product comes out, it will also use DNA and RNA degradation experiments to test the product, and only qualified products can leave the f