How to avoid contamination when using cell culture flasks

 Cell culture is a commonly used scientific research method in the field of life sciences. The cell culture flasks are a consumable suitable for medium-scale cell tissue culture in the laboratory. Cell culture needs to be carried out in a sterile environment. How can we avoid all kinds of pollution during cell culture?

First of all, the pollution sources of cell culture mainly come from three aspects. On the one hand, chemical pollution refers to some chemical substances that are toxic or irritating to cells. These pollutions generally come from unwashed utensils and impure chemical reagents. And distilled water of poor quality. Among them, bacterial endotoxin has a greater impact on cell growth and experimental results. It is the main source of clinical heat. The production of vaccines and cytokines produced by cell culture in clinical medicines should be avoided in the production process of drugs. Pollution of toxins. To reduce chemical pollution, high-quality distilled water should be used, and disposable cell culture vessels should be used as much as possible.

How to avoid contamination when using cell culture flasks

On the other hand, there is biological contamination, including contamination by bacteria, molds and yeasts that are relatively easy to find, and contamination by viruses, mycoplasma and other cells that are relatively difficult to find. Among them, virus contamination particles are extremely small, generally lurking in cells, and are not lethal to the entire cell culture, which may allow researchers to obtain cell test results affected by the virus. Generally, biological pollution occurs during the operation of cell culture, so good cell culture operating environment and operating habits are the key to reducing biological pollution.

On the other hand, the pollution is mainly related to improper operation. For example, many experimenters do not wash their hands and enter the laboratory only by spraying alcohol; do not hold the bottleneck part when holding the cell culture square flask and the culture solution; there are too many things in the ultra-clean bench Wait. Pay attention to the above aspects in cell culture experiments to avoid affecting the results of cell experiments.



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