Advantages of cell culture roller bottles culture technology

 Cell cell culture roller bottles are generally used in cell culture at the same time as spinner bottles, which can change cell culture from static to dynamic. It is a simplified bioreactor and is suitable for the cultivation of suspension cells and adherent cells. This cell culture method Known as cell culture roller bottles culture technology.

Cell culture roller bottles culture is a cell transition stage before the maturity of large-scale culture technology. It can be used as a way for bioreactor inoculation of cell culture medium preparation . Compared with traditional static monolayer culture, cell culture roller bottles culture technology has three advantages:

1. Provide a larger growth surface for cells;

2. Slight rotation can prevent some components formed in the culture medium from possibly affecting cell growth;

Cell Culture Roller BottlesCell Culture Roller Bottles

3. Cells are only covered with a thin layer of culture medium most of the time, which is conducive to gas exchange;

4. Simple structure, low investment, mature technology and good repeatability;

5. To scale up, simply increase the number of spinner bottles.

In the field of biomedicine, cell culture roller bottles culture technology is mainly used for diploid cell culture to produce measles virus, mumps virus and Japanese encephalitis virus, and for CHO cell culture to produce erythropoietin (EPO). In the field of animal vaccines, it is mainly used to cultivate primary cell CEF to produce Marek's virus (Jiangxi Merial) and chicken pox virus, and also used for rapid and large-scale expansion of seed cells in the early stage of production of swine fever, blue ear disease, circus and pseudorabies virus Increase process.



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