How to use PETG media bottles to dispense serum

When culturing cells, serum is an essential nutrient that increases adhesion factors, growth factors, binding proteins, etc. for cell growth. When using serum, we will involve the dispensing operation of serum, so how should it be dispensed into PETG media bottles?

1. Thawing

Take the serum out of the refrigerator at -20 degrees, thaw at room temperature (or immerse in tap water) (it takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours, or put it in a refrigerator at 4 degrees overnight; if it is not inactivated immediately after thawing, you can put it in 4 Store temporarily in the refrigerator).

2. Inactivation

Water bath, 56°C, 30 minutes, and shake evenly at any time. Take it out, put it on ice immediately, and let it cool down to room temperature naturally (about 1-3 hours). During the heat inactivation process, proper shaking at regular intervals can reduce the occurrence of precipitation.

125ml Square PETG/PET Media Bottles

125ml Square PETG Media Bottles

3. Packing

Transfer to the aseptic room, put the serum into 50-100ml PETG media bottle in the ultra-clean bench, seal it, and store it at -20°C for later use. Pay attention when dispensing: shake the serum gently for several weeks in advance and mix well; pay attention when blowing out the serum with a pipette: do not blow out air bubbles, the serum is very viscous and it is easy to produce air bubbles. If bubbles form, run over the flame of an alcohol lamp.

The above are the specific operation steps for serum dispensing. Be careful not to put your hands above the open bottle mouth. The dispensing speed should be fast to avoid the sedimentation bacteria falling into the bottle mouth of the PETG media bottles.



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