Production process of square media bottle

 The square media bottle is a special container for holding the medium. It is generally made of transparent PETG material through injection stretch blowing process. The quality of the bottle is very important for the storage of the medium. So what is the production process of this container?

In the production process of the square media bottle, the whole bottle blowing process can be divided into four stages: stretching, pre-blowing, blow molding and cooling. When the temperature adjustment process is completed, the mold is closed, and the stretch rod moves downward to stretch the preform downward along the axis. The lowering speed of the stretching rod is controlled by the stretching cam. The material distribution along the axis of the bottle is formed at this moment. The stretching speed is one of the key parameters affecting the distribution of the material along the axis. If it is too fast, there will be too much material at the bottom of the bottle, resulting in insufficient material distribution on the upper part of the bottle. , the overall mechanical properties are reduced. Of course if it is too slow. Then the material at the bottom of the bottle is likely to be too little, which will also lead to a decrease in the overall mechanical properties, and the ideal bottle cannot be blown.

PETG Media BottlesPETG Media Bottles

The function of pre-blowing is to ensure that a certain distance is always maintained between the preform material and the stretching rod during the stretching process, and to avoid contact between the preform wall and the stretching rod. During the stretching process, if there is contact between the preform material and the stretching rod, the material will be cooled by the stretching rod, and the friction of the stretching rod and the adhesion of the hot PETG material will cause the contacted part to It cannot be stretched as expected, and the qualified bottle cannot be blown out. So the pre-blowing process is very important. Pre-blowing pressure and time settings are critical. The pre-blowing pressure is generally adjusted around 6-10bar. If the pre-blowing is not enough, the purpose of separating the stretch rod from the bottle wall material will not be achieved. If the pre-blowing is too much, the bottle wall material will not be fully stretched. In a good case, the inner wall of the mold is contacted in advance, which will also affect the distribution of the material in the height direction, and the expected material distribution cannot be achieved.

The above is the production process of the square media bottle. This production process can effectively utilize the heat retained in the preform injection molding process, so that the energy consumption will be greatly reduced. Effectively avoid the phenomenon of friction marks on the mouth of the bottle or on the bottle body of other production processes, and the produced bottles are of high quality.



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