Application of PETG Media Bottle in Trypan Blue Solution

PETG media bottle is a storage container with excellent performance. Thanks to various good properties of the material, it has the characteristics of light weight, non-fragile, high transparency, and low temperature resistance. It is also a commonly used packaging for trypan blue solution.

Trypan blue is an organic compound with a chemical formula of C34H24N6Na4O14S4, which is often used as a cell viability dye to detect the integrity of cell membranes and whether cells are alive. Live cells are not stained blue, while dead cells are stained light blue. Trypan blue can be phagocytized by macrophages, so it can be used as a vital stain for macrophages.

60ml PETG media bottle60ml PETG Media Bottles

Trypan blue solution is mainly for the detection of cell growth and proliferation, it is an important stain that is not absorbed by healthy living cells. When cells are damaged or dead, trypan blue will enter the dead cells, which is convenient for dead cell counting. This method is also sometimes used as a stain exclusion method, and the test is usually performed during routine subculture when counting cells using a hemocytometer, but can be performed any time a quick and accurate determination of cell viability is required. Trypan blue solution is generally stored at room temperature, and PETG media bottles have good temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, which can meet the storage needs of the solution.

In addition, the bottle body of the PETG media bottle adopts a square design, which is ergonomic and easy to grasp. In addition to the storage of trypan blue solution, it can also store various media, biological reagents and other solutions.



Material features of PETG media bottles

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