The medium change operation when culturing cells in the cell factory

Medium is an essential nutrient in the process of cell culture. When using a cell factory for cell culture, it usually involves a medium exchange operation, which can remove the metabolic waste produced by the cells during the growth process, and replenish the fresh medium to make the cells grow and reproduce better.

To replace the medium in the cell factory, first prepare the required equipment: alcohol watering can filled with 75% medical sterilizing alcohol, PBS buffer, serum-containing medium, liquid transfer cover, transfer tube, waste tank, etc. Then put all the equipment into the ultra-clean bench and turn on the UV irradiation for sterilization. If the cultured cells are sensitive to temperature, you can put the medium bottle containing serum into a water bath at 37 °C, so that the temperature of the medium is at 37 °C, and then Transfer to the ultra-clean bench for UV sterilization, and UV irradiation is also required for about half an hour between cell cultures.

After ultraviolet irradiation sterilization, the operator put on sterilization clothes, sterilization gloves and masks, took out the cell factory, sprayed 75% alcohol on the surface with an alcohol watering can for disinfection, and transferred it to the ultra-clean bench, opened the lid, connected Liquid transfer cap and transfer tube to export culture medium. Add fresh serum-containing medium, be careful not to add it from the adherent surface of the cells, but from the side wall, and move gently to avoid washing off the cells. After adding the medium, cover the lid, mark the surface of the consumables, and indicate the medium change time, cell type, operator and other information. Before putting it into the incubator, spray the surface with alcohol again, tidy up the operating table, wipe the ultra-clean table with alcohol, and clean up waste liquid and garbage.

Cells are sensitive to the environment. When changing the medium in the cell factory, attention must be paid to aseptic operation to avoid affecting cell growth due to infection of various bacteria during the medium change process.



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