Factors Affecting Cell Factory Culture Technology - Radiation and Ultrasound

 Cell factory culture technology is a commonly used culture method for many large-scale cultures. When culturing cells, it will be affected by many factors, which hinder the normal growth and reproduction of cells. Radiation and ultrasonic waves are one of them.

Visible light: The wavelength of visible light is 390~780nm. Various colored light can cause cell degeneration, prolong the interphase of nuclear division, and significantly reduce the ability of cells to attach to the wall. Therefore, when using the cell factory for in vitro culture of cells, direct sunlight should be avoided, and the culture should be carried out in the dark or stored for a short period of time as much as possible.

Ultraviolet rays: Cells that are highly tolerant to weak UV rays do not change much, but sensitive cells are damaged. When the ultraviolet rays are strong, the isolated cells show that: complete mitosis cannot be performed; syneresis is increased during mitosis; cytoplasmic blebbing is reduced during mitosis. Blisters form on the irradiated surface, followed by cell expansion and more damage.

Radiation: X-rays have obvious damage to cells, B-rays can affect the division of nucleus, and R-rays reduce the number of nuclear divisions and cause abnormal nuclear divisions, which can cause cell death.

Ultrasound: Under the ultrasonic vibration, the cells will soon rupture, and the cytoplasm will flow in disorder at first, and the colloidal structure of the protoplasm will also change significantly. If the ultrasonic vibration is stopped, it can be restored. The cause of cell death is due to cavitation. When the ultrasonic wave is at 2.5W/cm2, the cells are damaged and the chromosomes are aberrant. The nuclear chromosomes are the first to be distorted.

Radiation and ultrasonic waves are important factors when using cell factories for cell culture. In addition, factors such as temperature, osmotic pressure, and pH value will also affect the growth and reproduction of cells. Controlling these factors can ensure normal cell growth.



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