The solution required for cell factory culture technology - PBS buffer

 Cell factory culture technology plays an important role in large-scale cell culture such as vaccine development and biopharmaceuticals. Various solutions are needed for cell culture, and PBS buffer is one of them.

PBS is the English abbreviation of Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution. Generally, active biological preparations are diluted with it, and pseudorabies virus can also be diluted with it. This is because the PBS buffer has an adjustable pH buffering effect and salt balancing effect. The reason for not using distilled water is that water destroys the structure and biological properties of biological proteins; the reason for not using normal saline is that it cannot adjust the pH. Therefore, the first choice for washing biological cells is PBS buffer. PBS is not a panacea. Maintaining optimal conditions ensures that biologically active substances maintain their most complete characteristics. Some biologically active substances require higher conditions than PBS. In this case, other ingredients need to be added.

The pH value of the PBS buffer is the most suitable pH value range for cells, and the pH value generally does not change under the stimulation of a slight amount of acid and alkali. Generally speaking, the pH value of the medium is easy to change, which is extremely damaging to the cells, but the PBS buffer can keep the cells healthy and grow within a suitable pH value range. After the cells in the cell factory are washed with PBS buffer, the waste medium can be removed, and then a new medium can be replaced for cell proliferation.

PBS buffer is one of the solutions that need to be used in the cell factory culture process. In addition, digestion solution and digestion stop solution are also needed. The main functions of these solutions are to keep cells in a better growth state.



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