Advantages of cell factory culture technology

 In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of the biological products industry, cell culture technology has been widely used in the fields of monoclonal antibodies and virus vaccine products. Among many culture methods, cell factory culture technology is a common large-scale cell culture method, which has the following advantages:

1. Save manpower, material resources, time and space.

The cultivation area of the cell factory can maximize the use of space, thereby saving a lot of workshop space and saving manpower and material resources to a certain extent. It can be used in combination with automated operating equipment to realize automated cell culture and greatly reduce labor intensity and intensity.

2. Convenient to scale up

In general culture methods, if you want to expand the scale of cell culture, you will increase the number of cell consumables. While increasing the number, it also takes up more space and manpower. The cell factory culture technology wants to increase the scale of culture, which can be easily achieved by increasing the number of cell factory layers, which is convenient and quick.

3. Low risk of contamination

Since the cell factory used has a larger culture area, cell culture equipment is reduced and the risk of contamination is reduced.

The above are the advantages of cell factory culture technology, and it is precisely because of many advantages that this technology has been widely used in the vaccine industry, stem cell culture, cell quality, and monoclonal preparation.



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